Thursday, March 06, 2008

There's a snake on my patio.

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If you are unlucky enough to find a snake this large on your patio or in your yard then please call 911 and someone will come out and get it. Boa Constrictors and Pythons are not natural predators in the United States. They are also dangerous. Rattle snakes and coral snakes are also dangerous and if one is found in a yard or patio please call 911 especailly if you have children or small pets. However rat snakes, whips and ring necks are not dangerous and if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. They eat mice, lizards and other small rodents. If they are inside your house or an enclosed patio an officer will come and get it but if it is in your yard slithering away from you please do not call 911. First of all by the time the phone call is made and the officer is dispatched the snake has most likely left the area. By the time the officer arrives 15-20 minutes later the snake has long gone. It seems like there are more calls on snake sightings here lately. It could be the rain. The last time I found a snake in my pool I scooped him out, tossed him in the yard and never saw him again. Snakes don't bother me, it's spiders I hate but even then I can deal with them. I don't understand the person who looks out their house window, sees a snake sunning himself then calls 911 in hysterics. I don't get it.

Now if by chance you leave your back door open and a racoon wanders inside and decides to sit down and watch T.V. please call 911. An officer will also come out for this and yes this did happen the other day. However if you get a bat in your house or rats in your attic you need to call an exterminator.

Gators are everywhere and unless they are actively trying to eat your dog or likes watching you eat dinner from your sliding glass door please dont call. Gators live in the canals. It will soon be mating season and they will be moving from their wallows and finding a mate. Gators can and will cross 4 and 6 lane highways. They will walk through your yard to get to the next canal. They will hang out in a retention pond until they decide to move on. If there is a pond in your back yard I can guarantee there is a gator in it. Please don't call 911 if there is a gator in your pond call a trapper.

Panthers and bob cat sighting although rare still occur. Do not call 911 unless the animal is injured. Consider yourself very lucky to have seen one and keep your small pets inside. If a panther or bob cat is near it's probably because they are hungry and house cats are good eating so I have heard.

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