Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The New Microwave!

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My microwave broke the other day infact my husband accused me of breaking it on purpose because a friend of mine at work is selling her over the counter microwave and her french door refridgorator for a very resonable price. I have been dying for a new fridge and I just drool over the new french door design so when 'Donut" needed to rid herself of these items at more than half the retail price I jumped on it. My hubby was the voice of reason this time even though she is literally giving these items away, we still cant afford them.

Of course when our microwave breaks only 2 days later, it is my fault. I broke it on purpose. The fact that the microve/convection oven is over 13 years old has nothing to do with it's death. I broke it.

My family has suffered with out a microvewave for almost a week. My husband can't heat up water for his tea. My children can not reheat left overs or pizza, no one knows how to defrost meat, and of my goodness how do you cook a bag of popcorn. My hubby broke down and bought a temperary replacement until a new over the counter microwave/convection oven can be replace.

I am next planning the demise of my refridgerator. Please don't tell my husband!

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