Saturday, March 08, 2008

911 and Advice

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I will not give advice to the public. I will not give advice to the public. I will not give advice to the public. I will not give advice to the public x1000

One of these days I will learn to keep my mouth shut maybe, hopefully, okay who am I kidding.

I am a mom so naturally advice spews from my mouth. It is very hard to be quiet when a few choice words of wisdom might change the course of history.

Of course this is only in a perfect world and last time I checked I lived in the alternate reality which is Fort Pierce/Port St Lucie area where phrases like "I am educated" issue from someone who can't tell the difference between a real check and loan advertisement and send me the 'PO PO' is more common than I'd like to admit to.

The public wants to know what they should do but I am not allowed to tell people how they shoud live their lives. I know from years of experience that 'Thank Yous' are few and far between and advice is never taken if even listened to. The majority of the public that calls 911 just want the police to make it stop and go away, they dont want excuses, they want it now.

I like to think that I am doing better with my attitude. I am nicer and I listen better and interupt less but trying to damn the advice is almost impossible.

I swear I will learn to keep my mouth shut. Okay realistically, I will try harder to keep my mouth shut. I swear really!!!!!

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