Monday, May 08, 2006

Tom Cruise MI:III vs. South Park

I found this very humorous. Personlly I have chosen to boycott Tom Cruise. I am very loyal South Park by Mat Stone and Trey Parker. South Park makes me laugh almost daily. Matt and Trey tell it like it is by using humor and satire. There is always a message to each show and they pick fun at everyone. I belive that humor is healthy and if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?

Everyone is allowed to their own opinion but I feel Tom Cruise has gone overboard. I personally feel he is on the same track as Wacko Jacko. Maybe there is something to the quote by Lord Acton: Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
When Tom Cruise used his position to have a South Park sensored he went to far. I understand he is a big supporter of Scientology but please I am not and I don't ever plan to be so don't shove it's doctrine down my throat just let me watch South Park!

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