Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

I finally finished it this morning. I thought Fred was going to have a cow I read all but the last chapter last night and he could not believe I just didnt finish it.
I really liked the book. It was a .good story, original plot and a decent climax. I was not glued to the book like I was with Angels and Demons but this book is fast past but not as fast as that one. Plus my eyes are starting to hurt from all the reading and writing I have been doing lately. I really need glasses.

Please take the book for what it is a piece of fiction. As I said before he makes a lot of interesting points and adds history to his fiction but that is all it is a book. Dan Brown twists facts to his own advantage while using ancient myth and theology I like it. I never would have read iton my own if my husband had not made me read it. I have a bad habit of just reading certain novelist and I need to change and broaden my horizons. Enjoy this book for it's entertainment value and be thankful for an author that challenges you to use your brain and think........

I recommend it as a good read.......

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