Tuesday, April 15, 2008


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I am going to call this one 'Procrastination'. Yesterday, my hubby and I took a trip to Okeechobee. We enjoyed a nice ride, one stretch included a very bumpy, dusty dirt road that took us out into cattle fields. Hubby sees this structure off in the distance so we park and start hiking. Now my husband is 6'5 and I am 5'2, yes it looks funny but I love him anyways. Hubby takes a direct path through the thickest part of the field. He has long legs the only thing he is worried about is feral hogs. I could care less about feral hogs. I am meaner than a feral hog. It's those large reptiles I don't like. My ears and eyes are sharp listening to that tell-tale rattle or hiss. I am carefully scanning the tall grass looking for that large monster rattle snake that is going to jump out of the palm scrub or abandoned gopher turtle hole and bite me. I really don't mind snakes in general but I hate rattlers.

Luckily we saw no giant rattle snakes and I eventually found a cleared path and I was happy again. We finally make it to the silo. I was thinking it was old and falling down but no it's worse. It was under construction and never finished. The steel rods at the top as you can see are falling off. It was a sad sight and I think this pictured turned out fairly well with a little light adjustment. All my pictures came out too bright. I will learn one of these days but my hubby still shakes his head. and tells me to go take a class.

"I will." I always respond. The queen of procrastination has found her totem. Her mantra "One of these days."

I am proud of myself regardless because I did finish my taxes today. I finally made copies of my return. I found all the correct paper work that goes with it, placed it in an envelope, addressed the envelope, found stamps (A NIGHTMARE IN ITSELF)and had my hubby mail it before 4pm. Sadly, I really finished our taxes several weeks ago hubby had to move the papers off the printer to use it. On top of the printer they have laid until this afternoon and believe it or not, this is an improvement for me. I usually don't file until May sometimes later...........

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