Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back on Day Shift

2nd morning back on days so far so good. Yesterday was a little rough. Both the girls made it to and from school with only a small hitch on Elizabeth's side and Fred is trying to turn my hair totally gray or give me a heart attack or both.

Beth called me at about 2:09 pm wanting to know where her Dad was. He was late. I pulled up his screen and it indicated he was on a traffic accident. Poor Beth she was like "well how am I suppose to get home?". I told her she could walk home but she did not find this humourous. Now as I am having this mundane conversation with my daughter my supervisor has been called up from to the Fort Pierce Dispatcher. I can see something is up but I am busy taking care of teen drama.

"How long is Daddy going to be?"

"I dont know let me look."

As I pull up the comments I read that this is an officer involved accident. My husband being the officer involved. I dont recall what I said exactly to my daughter but she wants to know if her Daddy is okay. I look up and my supervisor is headed my way.

"I know is he okay?"

They still dont know yet but he is on the radio and he is talking not yelling. That is always a good sign. They call out rescue to check on everyone. Long/short story he is fine. No trip to the E.R. but his car is out of commission. He was sore last night but it did not interfer with our WOW time. Burning Crusade was released Tuesday night and we have played hard since then but that is another story.

Beth was able to catch a ride home with a friend and life is more or less back to normal but toay is another day.

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