Monday, October 24, 2005


We are on the northside of the storm and it is raging. Amazingly we still have electricity although it has flickered several times. My internet is still up well, on and off. We can safely go outside on the front porch it is sheltered from the worst of the wind. The rain has been blowing horizontal for over an hour now. We still have at least three more hours of this. There is debris all over the yard but I don't see any trees down yet. All I can really see is just north and west of us to the church. The wind is howling and I just turned off the AC. Its on the east side of the house and really taking a beating. I have water blowing in the garage door but it will dry up no problem and there is water coming through the vent in the garage. So far the water intrusion is all in the garage and I hope it stays that way.

The wind is wiping around the eaves of the house you can hear it slam up against the roof and it actually makes a light bumping noise is the best way I can describe it. I went outside to make sure nothing was loose and discovered it was just the wind. I've looked on the internet for wind speed so far no luck. Wunderground keeps saying 40 with 59 gust. NOT TRUE.

Okay the wind has turned a little and I cant get on the porch anymore. It is blowing more from the north now. Fred just called he is at the station, they are goofing off as usual. One of the officers went out side and literally was flying suspened from a no parking sign. What children won't do.

Kids are playing board games Warren even has one of his freinds over and invited more over later for D & D so I may have a house full before the night over. I just hope this thing passes quickly. It is really blowing hard against the house right now and the lights keep flickering.

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