Sunday, September 17, 2006

Over Time

This was suppose to be my long weekend but I spent most of it and the prior week working as much over time as I could get. I got a look at our home owners insurance policy last week and it has literally tripled since we moved into the house less than two years ago. My mortgage is already incredibly high and will now go up another 200 to 300 dollars a month on top of that my dish washer broke and Beth needs braces. On a happier note apparently El Nino has returned and we are spared an hurricanes this year, gas prices are going back down and I will be getting two raises this year one in October and another in April. If I am lucky it maybe a total of 4% overall a whole point higher than what I would have normally received. In the mean time overtime overtime overtime until at least after the holidays so don't be surprised if my posts are a little sparse from here on out.

I switch to Midnight shift in October so hopefully that will give me extra time on the computer........We will see I guess

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