Sunday, March 12, 2006

Re-enactment Bunnies and Working the Weekend

At the 911 center, we work 12 hour shifts. We work every other long weekend Friday Saturday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday are almost always busy but Sunday it is usually slow enough for us to make breakfast and generally goof off.

This morning we are having pancakes and eggs. While we are waiting for our food to cook in between harrassing each other and answering phones we like to visit the angry alien web site. It is so cute we always get a good laugh.

Life at our house has been pretty normal. We work, we come home and we play World of Warcraft. In between killing the bad guys and slaying beast on our search for the quest that gives us the most experience points, we some how manage to keep up with laundry and tidy up the house. We take turns making dinner except on Thursday or Friday which is usually pizza night. The girls just finished up their FCATs and we are confident they both passed. Erin had did not do to well on the math section but her reading is excellent. Warren goes to school, works and hangs out with his friends when he is not playing WOW. This is what is refered to as domestic bliss and I can live with that........

Donna Happy Birthday I'm sorry I forgot...... Love You.......

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