Wednesday, March 08, 2006

AHB Africanized Honey Bees

I had a Supervisor's Meeting today and this was one of our main topics. "Killer Bee" have invaded Florida through our ports and now we have to learn to live with them. We are setting up SOP for responce to an attack. It was interesting.

What to do if you encounter these bees.

1. Run fast and far they may chase you as far a 3 football fields.

2. find shelter in a vehicle or a house.

3. Cover you face with your hands they will go straight for your face in an attack.

4. If you encounter any bees move slowly do not make any noise leave the area as soon as possible.

5. If you see bees near a school day care or public area call your animal cantrol office or the fire department. If it is an emergency especaiily if someone has been attacked call 911.

Remember the bees have come in through Floridas ports and were probably spread by 2004/2005 hurricanes. I would not be surprised if they are found all over Florida,
hopefully they are watching Louisiana and Mississippi. The only way you can tell the difference between native/european bees and Africanized bees is only after you have been attacked. They are very aggressive.

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