Monday, July 14, 2008

Our new addition - Seamus

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My husband found a puppy on the street the other day and of course my answer to his question was no puppys! I know they are cute but they chew on everything. We are going on vacation in about two weeks and having a new puppy roaming unchecked in the house while we are gone is not my idea of a relaxing vacation. I will be worried enough leaving the dogs home with my son in charge.

Sorry...... off track a little.

My husband is dropping off the puppy at the humane society and he sees a beautiful German Shepard. He grabs Cujo and the girls the next day to see this very pretty dog. I get a phone call several hours later and I am told we have a new family member. My girls love him and Cujo is tolerant. Zach, well Zach is happy as long as there is no thunder involved.

Seamus is a great dog. He is 4 years old. He gets along with everyone. Unfortunately, he likes to sleep on things like the beds and the couch. Mostly, he sleeps in the hallway at night in between the kids rooms. He like to inspect Erin's room at night and in the morning when she gets up. He has a few quirks but he does not chew. My shoes are safe and hopefully so is the furniture.


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