Fred took this picture on my camera several weeks ago. I love it. The colors are awesome. I love photography. I am lucky I reside in a beautiful state and I live in a pretty seaside town. I love my small town but sometimes I wonder if I should have packed up my family and left years ago. After the events of this past week I just want to hide my face in shame. This picture was taken almost directly across the street from Mark Foley’s now vacant condo. The media is camped just a few feet from the parking space where we stopped and took a few snap shots after a dinner at Chuck's. Large white box trucks clutter the roadside spoiling our view waiting for the FBI raid that so far has not occurred. The media is diligent though, the photographers want their shot so they stay. For three days now they have waited and only their editors know how long they will camp here.
You have to live in a cave not to have heard of Mark Foley’s “indiscretion”. Of course as the story progresses it seems he had many little “indiscretions”. I have several questions I need to ask today. Did he really do anything wrong because he never acted out his fantasy? Or did he? What are his true sins? Is this a sickness? Will therapy fix it? Why do offenders use the excuse of being a prior victim of molestation? I definitely don’t understand that one. Alcohol? Loneliness? More excuses pedophiles and sex addicts use to try to get people to pardon their actions. Is any excuse acceptable? No, not as far as I am concerned.
I want to know why all the perverts/pedophiles gravitate to Fort Pierce and the St Lucie County area. If you only knew how many men come to our area to have sex with minor children you would be appauld. Can you guess how many times in a week a child is harassed, followed, and propositioned by perverts? I just helped put one in jail two weeks ago for trying to lure a child into his vehicle and now I am looking for another that harassed my “V” when she was walking home the other day from school. She was smart and got his tag number. Unfortunately, it was a bad tag and we can’t trace it but I am still looking.
Bottom line, our children are not safe in our society. It is so sad when you are afraid to let your children even walk home from school. It is worse when they can’t even walk home the one block from their school bus and not get molested. It is even scarier to think that even in school our children are not safe. The madness of the last two weeks has me thinking maybe I need to pull my girls out of public school and educate them at home. As a parent what do you do? What can you do when the people you trust to make our laws are no better that the slimes that stalk our children like animals with only one thought on their mind?
What I keep thinking about as I read each new updated newspaper article and watch politicians scatter like roaches, how many other legislators, senators and aides are cut from the same cloth. Who are these people that run our government and what are they really doing behind closed doors. I never used to care, it wasn’t any if my business but now maybe it's the most important question we should be asking?